Basic Attention Token BAT Converter

Currency converter to convert between Basic Attention Token (BAT) and other currencies. Enter an amount of money and click convert to start.

Basic Attention Token exchange rates

From Basic Attention TokenTo Basic Attention Token
1 BAT = 0.23353 USD1 USD = 4.28215 BAT
1 BAT = 7.84194 THB1 THB = 0.12752 BAT
1 BAT = 0.22233 EUR1 EUR = 4.49782 BAT
1 BAT = 36.43568 JPY1 JPY = 0.02745 BAT
1 BAT = 0.18705 GBP1 GBP = 5.34605 BAT
1 BAT = 0.36980 AUD1 AUD = 2.70418 BAT
1 BAT = 0.21146 CHF1 CHF = 4.72893 BAT
1 BAT = 0.34418 CAD1 CAD = 2.90546 BAT
1 BAT = 0.41260 NZD1 NZD = 2.42366 BAT

All Basic Attention Token converters