Decred DCR Converter

Currency converter to convert between Decred (DCR) and other currencies. Enter an amount of money and click convert to start.

Decred exchange rates

From DecredTo Decred
1 DCR = 12.74610 USD1 USD = 0.07846 DCR
1 DCR = 471.24242 THB1 THB = 0.00212 DCR
1 DCR = 11.87369 EUR1 EUR = 0.08422 DCR
1 DCR = 1,992.89079 JPY1 JPY = 0.00050 DCR
1 DCR = 10.18796 GBP1 GBP = 0.09816 DCR
1 DCR = 19.47043 AUD1 AUD = 0.05136 DCR
1 DCR = 11.63037 CHF1 CHF = 0.08598 DCR
1 DCR = 17.39052 CAD1 CAD = 0.05750 DCR
1 DCR = 21.37081 NZD1 NZD = 0.04679 DCR

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