Lesotho Loti LSL Converter

Currency converter to convert between Lesotho Loti (LSL) and other currencies. Enter an amount of money and click convert to start.

Lesotho Loti exchange rates

From Lesotho LotiTo Lesotho Loti
1 LSL = 0.05223 USD1 USD = 19.14502 LSL
1 LSL = 1.92525 THB1 THB = 0.51941 LSL
1 LSL = 0.04907 EUR1 EUR = 20.37972 LSL
1 LSL = 8.06497 JPY1 JPY = 0.12399 LSL
1 LSL = 0.04202 GBP1 GBP = 23.79949 LSL
1 LSL = 0.08150 AUD1 AUD = 12.27004 LSL
1 LSL = 0.04746 CHF1 CHF = 21.07147 LSL
1 LSL = 0.07189 CAD1 CAD = 13.91044 LSL
1 LSL = 0.08870 NZD1 NZD = 11.27404 LSL

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