Nepalese Rupee NPR Converter

Currency converter to convert between Nepalese Rupee (NPR) and other currencies. Enter an amount of money and click convert to start.

Nepalese Rupee exchange rates

From Nepalese RupeeTo Nepalese Rupee
1 NPR = 0.00751 USD1 USD = 133.11538 NPR
1 NPR = 0.27843 THB1 THB = 3.59160 NPR
1 NPR = 0.00701 EUR1 EUR = 142.72657 NPR
1 NPR = 1.16940 JPY1 JPY = 0.85514 NPR
1 NPR = 0.00601 GBP1 GBP = 166.40462 NPR
1 NPR = 0.01152 AUD1 AUD = 86.80477 NPR
1 NPR = 0.00686 CHF1 CHF = 145.81628 NPR
1 NPR = 0.01028 CAD1 CAD = 97.30758 NPR
1 NPR = 0.01262 NZD1 NZD = 79.24829 NPR

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