Swedish Krona SEK Converter

Currency converter to convert between Swedish Krona (SEK) and other currencies. Enter an amount of money and click convert to start.

Swedish Krona exchange rates

From Swedish KronaTo Swedish Krona
1 SEK = 0.09183 USD1 USD = 10.88928 SEK
1 SEK = 3.39922 THB1 THB = 0.29419 SEK
1 SEK = 0.08580 EUR1 EUR = 11.65439 SEK
1 SEK = 14.51841 JPY1 JPY = 0.06888 SEK
1 SEK = 0.07353 GBP1 GBP = 13.59962 SEK
1 SEK = 0.14063 AUD1 AUD = 7.11070 SEK
1 SEK = 0.08400 CHF1 CHF = 11.90471 SEK
1 SEK = 0.12563 CAD1 CAD = 7.95971 SEK
1 SEK = 0.15461 NZD1 NZD = 6.46769 SEK

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