Zilliqa ZIL Converter

Currency converter to convert between Zilliqa (ZIL) and other currencies. Enter an amount of money and click convert to start.

Zilliqa exchange rates

From ZilliqaTo Zilliqa
1 ZIL = 0.02571 USD1 USD = 38.89649 ZIL
1 ZIL = 0.95286 THB1 THB = 1.04947 ZIL
1 ZIL = 0.02398 EUR1 EUR = 41.70490 ZIL
1 ZIL = 4.00205 JPY1 JPY = 0.24987 ZIL
1 ZIL = 0.02057 GBP1 GBP = 48.62365 ZIL
1 ZIL = 0.03943 AUD1 AUD = 25.36447 ZIL
1 ZIL = 0.02347 CHF1 CHF = 42.60771 ZIL
1 ZIL = 0.03517 CAD1 CAD = 28.43341 ZIL
1 ZIL = 0.04318 NZD1 NZD = 23.15646 ZIL

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