Volume Conversions
To convert volume from one unit to another, enter a value in the input field and choose your converter below.
Units of Volume
Unit | Symbol | Relative to SI unit |
US liquid gallons | gal (US) | 0.003785 |
US liquid quarts | qt (US) | 0.000946 |
US liquid pints | pt (US fl) | 0.000473 |
US legal cups | c (US) | 0.00024 |
US fluid ounces | US fl oz | 3 × 10-5 |
US tablespoons | tbsp | 1.5 × 10-5 |
US teaspoons | tsp | 5 × 10-6 |
Cubic meters (SI unit) | m3 | 1 |
Cubic centimeters | cm3 | 1 × 10-6 |
Liters | L | 0.001 |
Milliliters | mL | 1 × 10-6 |
Imperial quarts | qt (imp) | 0.001137 |
Imperial pints | pt (imp) | 0.000568 |
Imperial cups | c (imp) | 0.000284 |
Imperial fluid ounces | fl oz (imp) | 2.841306 × 10-5 |
Imperial tablespoons | tbsp | 1.775816 × 10-5 |
Imperial teaspoons | tsp | 5.919388 × 10-6 |
Cubic feet | ft3 | 0.028317 |
Cubic inches | in3 | 1.638706 × 10-5 |
Convert from US liquid gallons
- US liquid gallons to US liquid quarts
- US liquid gallons to US liquid pints
- US liquid gallons to US legal cups
- US liquid gallons to US fluid ounces
- US liquid gallons to US tablespoons
- US liquid gallons to US teaspoons
- US liquid gallons to Cubic meters
- US liquid gallons to Cubic centimeters
- US liquid gallons to Liters
- US liquid gallons to Milliliters
- US liquid gallons to Imperial quarts
- US liquid gallons to Imperial pints
- US liquid gallons to Imperial cups
- US liquid gallons to Imperial fluid ounces
- US liquid gallons to Imperial tablespoons
- US liquid gallons to Imperial teaspoons
- US liquid gallons to Cubic feet
- US liquid gallons to Cubic inches
Convert from US liquid quarts
- US liquid quarts to US liquid gallons
- US liquid quarts to US liquid pints
- US liquid quarts to US legal cups
- US liquid quarts to US fluid ounces
- US liquid quarts to US tablespoons
- US liquid quarts to US teaspoons
- US liquid quarts to Cubic meters
- US liquid quarts to Cubic centimeters
- US liquid quarts to Liters
- US liquid quarts to Milliliters
- US liquid quarts to Imperial quarts
- US liquid quarts to Imperial pints
- US liquid quarts to Imperial cups
- US liquid quarts to Imperial fluid ounces
- US liquid quarts to Imperial tablespoons
- US liquid quarts to Imperial teaspoons
- US liquid quarts to Cubic feet
- US liquid quarts to Cubic inches
Convert from US liquid pints
- US liquid pints to US liquid gallons
- US liquid pints to US liquid quarts
- US liquid pints to US legal cups
- US liquid pints to US fluid ounces
- US liquid pints to US tablespoons
- US liquid pints to US teaspoons
- US liquid pints to Cubic meters
- US liquid pints to Cubic centimeters
- US liquid pints to Liters
- US liquid pints to Milliliters
- US liquid pints to Imperial quarts
- US liquid pints to Imperial pints
- US liquid pints to Imperial cups
- US liquid pints to Imperial fluid ounces
- US liquid pints to Imperial tablespoons
- US liquid pints to Imperial teaspoons
- US liquid pints to Cubic feet
- US liquid pints to Cubic inches
Convert from US legal cups
- US legal cups to US liquid gallons
- US legal cups to US liquid quarts
- US legal cups to US liquid pints
- US legal cups to US fluid ounces
- US legal cups to US tablespoons
- US legal cups to US teaspoons
- US legal cups to Cubic meters
- US legal cups to Cubic centimeters
- US legal cups to Liters
- US legal cups to Milliliters
- US legal cups to Imperial quarts
- US legal cups to Imperial pints
- US legal cups to Imperial cups
- US legal cups to Imperial fluid ounces
- US legal cups to Imperial tablespoons
- US legal cups to Imperial teaspoons
- US legal cups to Cubic feet
- US legal cups to Cubic inches
Convert from US fluid ounces
- US fluid ounces to US liquid gallons
- US fluid ounces to US liquid quarts
- US fluid ounces to US liquid pints
- US fluid ounces to US legal cups
- US fluid ounces to US tablespoons
- US fluid ounces to US teaspoons
- US fluid ounces to Cubic meters
- US fluid ounces to Cubic centimeters
- US fluid ounces to Liters
- US fluid ounces to Milliliters
- US fluid ounces to Imperial quarts
- US fluid ounces to Imperial pints
- US fluid ounces to Imperial cups
- US fluid ounces to Imperial fluid ounces
- US fluid ounces to Imperial tablespoons
- US fluid ounces to Imperial teaspoons
- US fluid ounces to Cubic feet
- US fluid ounces to Cubic inches
Convert from US tablespoons
- US tablespoons to US liquid gallons
- US tablespoons to US liquid quarts
- US tablespoons to US liquid pints
- US tablespoons to US legal cups
- US tablespoons to US fluid ounces
- US tablespoons to US teaspoons
- US tablespoons to Cubic meters
- US tablespoons to Cubic centimeters
- US tablespoons to Liters
- US tablespoons to Milliliters
- US tablespoons to Imperial quarts
- US tablespoons to Imperial pints
- US tablespoons to Imperial cups
- US tablespoons to Imperial fluid ounces
- US tablespoons to Imperial tablespoons
- US tablespoons to Imperial teaspoons
- US tablespoons to Cubic feet
- US tablespoons to Cubic inches
Convert from US teaspoons
- US teaspoons to US liquid gallons
- US teaspoons to US liquid quarts
- US teaspoons to US liquid pints
- US teaspoons to US legal cups
- US teaspoons to US fluid ounces
- US teaspoons to US tablespoons
- US teaspoons to Cubic meters
- US teaspoons to Cubic centimeters
- US teaspoons to Liters
- US teaspoons to Milliliters
- US teaspoons to Imperial quarts
- US teaspoons to Imperial pints
- US teaspoons to Imperial cups
- US teaspoons to Imperial fluid ounces
- US teaspoons to Imperial tablespoons
- US teaspoons to Imperial teaspoons
- US teaspoons to Cubic feet
- US teaspoons to Cubic inches
Convert from Cubic meters
- Cubic meters to US liquid gallons
- Cubic meters to US liquid quarts
- Cubic meters to US liquid pints
- Cubic meters to US legal cups
- Cubic meters to US fluid ounces
- Cubic meters to US tablespoons
- Cubic meters to US teaspoons
- Cubic meters to Cubic centimeters
- Cubic meters to Liters
- Cubic meters to Milliliters
- Cubic meters to Imperial quarts
- Cubic meters to Imperial pints
- Cubic meters to Imperial cups
- Cubic meters to Imperial fluid ounces
- Cubic meters to Imperial tablespoons
- Cubic meters to Imperial teaspoons
- Cubic meters to Cubic feet
- Cubic meters to Cubic inches
Convert from Cubic centimeters
- Cubic centimeters to US liquid gallons
- Cubic centimeters to US liquid quarts
- Cubic centimeters to US liquid pints
- Cubic centimeters to US legal cups
- Cubic centimeters to US fluid ounces
- Cubic centimeters to US tablespoons
- Cubic centimeters to US teaspoons
- Cubic centimeters to Cubic meters
- Cubic centimeters to Liters
- Cubic centimeters to Milliliters
- Cubic centimeters to Imperial quarts
- Cubic centimeters to Imperial pints
- Cubic centimeters to Imperial cups
- Cubic centimeters to Imperial fluid ounces
- Cubic centimeters to Imperial tablespoons
- Cubic centimeters to Imperial teaspoons
- Cubic centimeters to Cubic feet
- Cubic centimeters to Cubic inches
Convert from Liters
- Liters to US liquid gallons
- Liters to US liquid quarts
- Liters to US liquid pints
- Liters to US legal cups
- Liters to US fluid ounces
- Liters to US tablespoons
- Liters to US teaspoons
- Liters to Cubic meters
- Liters to Cubic centimeters
- Liters to Milliliters
- Liters to Imperial quarts
- Liters to Imperial pints
- Liters to Imperial cups
- Liters to Imperial fluid ounces
- Liters to Imperial tablespoons
- Liters to Imperial teaspoons
- Liters to Cubic feet
- Liters to Cubic inches
Convert from Milliliters
- Milliliters to US liquid gallons
- Milliliters to US liquid quarts
- Milliliters to US liquid pints
- Milliliters to US legal cups
- Milliliters to US fluid ounces
- Milliliters to US tablespoons
- Milliliters to US teaspoons
- Milliliters to Cubic meters
- Milliliters to Cubic centimeters
- Milliliters to Liters
- Milliliters to Imperial quarts
- Milliliters to Imperial pints
- Milliliters to Imperial cups
- Milliliters to Imperial fluid ounces
- Milliliters to Imperial tablespoons
- Milliliters to Imperial teaspoons
- Milliliters to Cubic feet
- Milliliters to Cubic inches
Convert from Imperial quarts
- Imperial quarts to US liquid gallons
- Imperial quarts to US liquid quarts
- Imperial quarts to US liquid pints
- Imperial quarts to US legal cups
- Imperial quarts to US fluid ounces
- Imperial quarts to US tablespoons
- Imperial quarts to US teaspoons
- Imperial quarts to Cubic meters
- Imperial quarts to Cubic centimeters
- Imperial quarts to Liters
- Imperial quarts to Milliliters
- Imperial quarts to Imperial pints
- Imperial quarts to Imperial cups
- Imperial quarts to Imperial fluid ounces
- Imperial quarts to Imperial tablespoons
- Imperial quarts to Imperial teaspoons
- Imperial quarts to Cubic feet
- Imperial quarts to Cubic inches
Convert from Imperial pints
- Imperial pints to US liquid gallons
- Imperial pints to US liquid quarts
- Imperial pints to US liquid pints
- Imperial pints to US legal cups
- Imperial pints to US fluid ounces
- Imperial pints to US tablespoons
- Imperial pints to US teaspoons
- Imperial pints to Cubic meters
- Imperial pints to Cubic centimeters
- Imperial pints to Liters
- Imperial pints to Milliliters
- Imperial pints to Imperial quarts
- Imperial pints to Imperial cups
- Imperial pints to Imperial fluid ounces
- Imperial pints to Imperial tablespoons
- Imperial pints to Imperial teaspoons
- Imperial pints to Cubic feet
- Imperial pints to Cubic inches
Convert from Imperial cups
- Imperial cups to US liquid gallons
- Imperial cups to US liquid quarts
- Imperial cups to US liquid pints
- Imperial cups to US legal cups
- Imperial cups to US fluid ounces
- Imperial cups to US tablespoons
- Imperial cups to US teaspoons
- Imperial cups to Cubic meters
- Imperial cups to Cubic centimeters
- Imperial cups to Liters
- Imperial cups to Milliliters
- Imperial cups to Imperial quarts
- Imperial cups to Imperial pints
- Imperial cups to Imperial fluid ounces
- Imperial cups to Imperial tablespoons
- Imperial cups to Imperial teaspoons
- Imperial cups to Cubic feet
- Imperial cups to Cubic inches
Convert from Imperial fluid ounces
- Imperial fluid ounces to US liquid gallons
- Imperial fluid ounces to US liquid quarts
- Imperial fluid ounces to US liquid pints
- Imperial fluid ounces to US legal cups
- Imperial fluid ounces to US fluid ounces
- Imperial fluid ounces to US tablespoons
- Imperial fluid ounces to US teaspoons
- Imperial fluid ounces to Cubic meters
- Imperial fluid ounces to Cubic centimeters
- Imperial fluid ounces to Liters
- Imperial fluid ounces to Milliliters
- Imperial fluid ounces to Imperial quarts
- Imperial fluid ounces to Imperial pints
- Imperial fluid ounces to Imperial cups
- Imperial fluid ounces to Imperial tablespoons
- Imperial fluid ounces to Imperial teaspoons
- Imperial fluid ounces to Cubic feet
- Imperial fluid ounces to Cubic inches
Convert from Imperial tablespoons
- Imperial tablespoons to US liquid gallons
- Imperial tablespoons to US liquid quarts
- Imperial tablespoons to US liquid pints
- Imperial tablespoons to US legal cups
- Imperial tablespoons to US fluid ounces
- Imperial tablespoons to US tablespoons
- Imperial tablespoons to US teaspoons
- Imperial tablespoons to Cubic meters
- Imperial tablespoons to Cubic centimeters
- Imperial tablespoons to Liters
- Imperial tablespoons to Milliliters
- Imperial tablespoons to Imperial quarts
- Imperial tablespoons to Imperial pints
- Imperial tablespoons to Imperial cups
- Imperial tablespoons to Imperial fluid ounces
- Imperial tablespoons to Imperial teaspoons
- Imperial tablespoons to Cubic feet
- Imperial tablespoons to Cubic inches
Convert from Imperial teaspoons
- Imperial teaspoons to US liquid gallons
- Imperial teaspoons to US liquid quarts
- Imperial teaspoons to US liquid pints
- Imperial teaspoons to US legal cups
- Imperial teaspoons to US fluid ounces
- Imperial teaspoons to US tablespoons
- Imperial teaspoons to US teaspoons
- Imperial teaspoons to Cubic meters
- Imperial teaspoons to Cubic centimeters
- Imperial teaspoons to Liters
- Imperial teaspoons to Milliliters
- Imperial teaspoons to Imperial quarts
- Imperial teaspoons to Imperial pints
- Imperial teaspoons to Imperial cups
- Imperial teaspoons to Imperial fluid ounces
- Imperial teaspoons to Imperial tablespoons
- Imperial teaspoons to Cubic feet
- Imperial teaspoons to Cubic inches
Convert from Cubic feet
- Cubic feet to US liquid gallons
- Cubic feet to US liquid quarts
- Cubic feet to US liquid pints
- Cubic feet to US legal cups
- Cubic feet to US fluid ounces
- Cubic feet to US tablespoons
- Cubic feet to US teaspoons
- Cubic feet to Cubic meters
- Cubic feet to Cubic centimeters
- Cubic feet to Liters
- Cubic feet to Milliliters
- Cubic feet to Imperial quarts
- Cubic feet to Imperial pints
- Cubic feet to Imperial cups
- Cubic feet to Imperial fluid ounces
- Cubic feet to Imperial tablespoons
- Cubic feet to Imperial teaspoons
- Cubic feet to Cubic inches
Convert from Cubic inches
- Cubic inches to US liquid gallons
- Cubic inches to US liquid quarts
- Cubic inches to US liquid pints
- Cubic inches to US legal cups
- Cubic inches to US fluid ounces
- Cubic inches to US tablespoons
- Cubic inches to US teaspoons
- Cubic inches to Cubic meters
- Cubic inches to Cubic centimeters
- Cubic inches to Liters
- Cubic inches to Milliliters
- Cubic inches to Imperial quarts
- Cubic inches to Imperial pints
- Cubic inches to Imperial cups
- Cubic inches to Imperial fluid ounces
- Cubic inches to Imperial tablespoons
- Cubic inches to Imperial teaspoons
- Cubic inches to Cubic feet